Wednesday, February 29, 2012

JustFab Blogs!

"If you miss a day, you miss a lot." Damn, it's true.  JustFabulous has been cranking away in preparation for the launch of the Abbey Dawn line with Avril Lavigne and this little nugget of goodness nearly slipped past me -- the new JustFab blog!  The site looks really good and it's another great place to get answers to questions, share ideas and get the latest scoop on contests and other JustFab news.  So, check it out and by all means, get in on the discussions!  There's some good stuff over there. --Sugar

Kimora is Giving Away MORE Shoes!

Kimora Lee Simmons, president and creative director of JustFabulous, a web savvy shoe lover's dream come true, is giving away more shoes!  Just join JustFab on Pinterest and get in on some Scrabble-ishious scavenger hunt fun to get your hands on some free footwear!  Good luck! --Sugar