Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Style Developing New Series on Kimora's JustFab

I wrote this up a little while ago, but Kimora hadn't announced it officially, so I took it down.  But, she's been talking about it a lot now, so check out a few details about her new reality series and be sure to follow her and Just Fabulous on Twitter (see below) for additional details.

The little news aggregator on the right sidebar of this blog drops some hot, spicy nuggets sometime! I love it!  I surfed onto the page a little while ago to see what the stats were looking like (so screwy), when I saw something that said Style Network had announced a new set of programming for the upcoming season and there was something about Kimora Lee Simmons and a new show that's in development. 

I clicked the link and there it was, a little blurb that mentioned that there would be a new show, House of Fab, on Style Network that will take a behind the scenes look at Just Fabulous, the online shoe subscription service where Kimora is President and Creative Director.  I think that this is fantastic!  This from the Hollywood Reporter about the new series.:

House of Fab
Produced by Left/Right. Ken Druckerman, Banks Tarver and Kimora Lee Simmons serve as executive producers. In partnership with, an online shoe/fashion service that features Kimora Lee Simmons at the helm as president and creative director. This docu-series will follow the eclectic and diverse cast of characters behind this fashion forward dot com and see what it takes to keep the operation going.

I'm not sure what this means for Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane, but this would definitely be something fresh and new and really taking things in a different direction.  Evolution.  I think it's great news and I hope that it will be a hit. Be sure to follow Kimora and Just Fabulous on Twitter and on Facebook (JustFab and Kimora) because I'm sure they'll be dropping more information about it soon!  Congratulations to all and I can't wait to see the new show! --Sugar

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